While you might try to maintain your own swimming pool as often as possible, life gets hectic and time flies. You might do better by simply hiring a company that offers non-structural pool services. Take a few minutes to learn about some of the types of things they can do for you to make your life easier. Here are a few standard services that are offered:

Add Solar Panels To Run The Pool

All pools have pumps that need to be run in order to keep the water filtered. Along with the pump for your pool, you might have a heater so the water stays at a comfortable temperature. This can use up a lot of electricity and cause your electric bill to increase. A great way to handle this is to have a solar panel system installed so it can operate the pump and any other electrical needs you have with the pool. This is one of the many non-structural pool services that may be offered.

Cleaning And Patching Of The Pool Surface

This might not be something that has to be done every year, but at least every couple of years. This type of non-structural pool service involves the complete draining of the pool. The pool service technician will then inspect the surface of the pool to look for any small issues. If there are any small imperfections, they can either offer that repair service to you or help walk you through the things you can do to fix them. They will then thoroughly clean and sanitize your pool. Once it has been cleaned and rinsed, the pool service worker will then have the pool refilled for you. When that is done, they can add the proper chemicals to the pool and can come back in a couple of days to check the pH and chlorine levels and make adjustments as needed.

Now that you have a better idea of some of the types of non-structural pool service, you will be able to decide if it is a service that you want to start using this summer. If so, you will want to call around to some pool servicing companies near you. Most pool servicing companies have a limit to how far from their shop or store they will travel. Call and ask if they service your town and discuss their non-structural pool service options if they do. 
